Uruguaya Apostille

Spain Apostille

Spain is a participating country in the Hague Convention. The process of the Spain Apostille service varies depending on the type of document you have.

If the document was created by your company, it must be signed and notarized. Example: approval letter or agency agreement. Documents issued by your state must be authenticated or certified by your foreign minister. Example: certificate of good reputation. Documents issued by the Confederation for use in Spain are ready to be sent to the United States Department of State. Example: FDA, USDA, USPTO.

You can get Spain apostille through a lengthy process of authenticating your document, whether it’s a personal document or a corporate document. The process is almost the same, with minor changes depending on the type of document and the state in which the document was issued.

uslegalization.com easily provides you with Spain apostille services .

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Uruguaya Apostille